Meet The Directors

Edmond Cheah Swee Leng
Mr. Edmond Cheah Swee Leng, was appointed to the Board of Adventa Berhad on 9 August 2004 and is presently the Chairman of the Company.
His vast financial experience include accounting, corporate & strategic investments, merchant banking and mutual funds. Mr. Cheah was the Chief Executive Officer / Executive Director and a member of the Investment Committee of Public Mutual Fund Berhad, Malaysia's largest private unit trust management company.
Board Committees : Members of Adventa Board
Current Public Listed Directorship : Adventa Bhd, Nylex Bhd, Ancom Bhd, MAAKL Mutual Bhd
Mr.Cheah is a Chartered Accountant by profession and a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants and Association of Chartered Accountants, England and Wales.
He was also a council member and Chairman of the Secretariat of the Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia (FIMM), a former Task Force Member on Islamic Finance for Labuan International Offshore Financial Centre (LOFSA), and a former member on the Securities Market Consultation Panel in Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.
As a passionate animal care person, Mr.Cheah serves as the treasurer of the Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( SPCA ) of Malaysia.
The Board regards Mr.Cheah as a Non-Independent Director.
Low Chin Guan
Executive Director
Mr. Low Chin Guan, was appointed to the Board of Adventa Berhad on 12 April 2004.
Mr. Low founded the initial subsidiary of the Group in 1988. He has years of experience in project management, manufacturing and assembly plants operations, strategic planning, and marketing. In 2003, he formed Adventa Berhad to hold the various companies and manufacturing facilities, listing the Company on the Bursa Malaysia in 2004. He led the Company as the CEO until August 2021, when he relinquished the role of CEO to Datuk Mark Rozario.
Board Committee : None
Current Listed Company Directorship : Adventa Bhd
He graduated as a Civil Engineer from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), United Kingdom. Mr. Low is a major shareholder of the Company. He does not have any family relationship with any other directors.
The Board regards Mr.Low as a Non-Independent Director

Kwek Siew Leng
Executive Director
Ms. Kwek Siew Leng, was appointed to the Board of Adventa Berhad on 12 April 2004 and is presently the Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director of the Company. She joined the company in 2004.
Ms.Kwek joined one of the Company’s subsidiaries as Finance Manager in 2002 and assumed the position of Group Finance Manager of Adventa Berhad in 2003. She was subsequently promoted to Director in 2004. She is now responsible for the overall management and operations of the accounts, finance and M&A.
Board Committee : Renumeration
Current Public Listed Directorship : Adventa Bhd
Ms.Kwek is an Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and a Chartered Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA). She was a manager of audit and accounting prior to joining the companies in the Adventa Berhad group. Her prior employment in public practice includes stints in statutory and regulatory reporting, financial planning, budgeting and forecasting, taxation, managerial skills as well as system development in various fields.
The Board regards Ms.Kwek as a Non-Independent Director
Toh Seng Thong
Non-Executive Director
Mr. Toh Seng Thong aged 62, was appointed to the Board of Adventa Berhad on 10 May 2004.
Mr. Toh has over 40 years’ experience in auditing, taxation and corporate and financial advisory. He is also a practicing Chartered Accountant of Malaysia. He founded Messrs. S T Toh & Co in 1997, providing accounting, tax and consultancy services.
Board Committees : Audit , Renumeration, Nomination
Current Public Listed Directorship : Adventa Bhd, Lattitude Tree Bhd, Grand Hoover Bhd.
Mr.Toh graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) Degree from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand in 1981. He is a Chartered Accountant by profession and a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, a Fellow member of the Malaysian Institute of Taxation and an Associate member of the Harvard Business School Alumni Club of Malaysia.
The Board regards Mr. Toh as a Non-Independent Director.

Dato’ Selwyn Vijayarajan Das
Non-Executive Director
Dato’ Selwyn Vijayarajan Das was appointed to the Board of Directors of Adventa on 23 Dec 2021
Dato’ Das brings extensive and deep experience in diplomacy, negotiations, public services, and international legal systems, which may help the company expand into global markets.
Board Commmittes : Audit , Renumeration, Nomination
Current Public List Company Directorship : Adventa Bhd
Dato’ Das graduated from the University of Malaya in 1977 in Business Administration and later obtained further certification in Public Administration. In 1989 he received his law degree LLB (Hons) from the University of London. Dato’ Das joined the Prime Minister’s Department in 1979 and later moved to the Ministry of Finance in 1991 to the Budgets Division and thereon to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Dato’ Das has a distinguished career in public services. He has served in various capacities, among which were :
Member of the Public Service Commission
Ambassador to Austria and Slovakia
High Commissioner to Canada
High Commissioner to Kenya
Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Malaysia to Thailand
Deputy Secretary-General, Department of Multilateral Affairs,
Under Secretary, Secretariat of Non-Aligned Movement
The Board regards Dato’ Das as an Independent Director.
Muhamad Yazdi Che Ya
Non-Executive Director
Mr. Muhamad Yazdi bin Che Ya, was appointed to the Board of Adventa Berhad on 1 July 2023. Muhamad Yazdi is a corporate professional with a blend of experience as a regulator, advisor, and practitioner. His area of expertise includes corporate finance, strategy and governance.
Board Committees : Audit , Nomination
Current Public Listed Directorship : Adventa Bhd
He graduated from the University of Lancaster with a degree in Accounting and Finance.From 1997 to 2016, Yazdi was attached with institutions including the Securities Commission, Investment Banks and Fund Management Companies. From 2016 onwards, he has been holding very senior management positions in large service-oriented companies including:
1. Director of Medivest Sdn Bhd, a hospital maintenance service company for 20 hospitals.
2. General Manager of Seri Pacific Corporation Sdn Bhd (until 2023), the operator of a 556-rooms 5-star hotel located in Kuala Lumpur.
The Board regards Mr. Yazdi as an Independent Director.