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Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

Adventa sought to guarantee a broad range of human rights with respect to employment and working conditions, health, safety, and social protection and with specific emphasis on providing equal rights and assistance to vulnerable persons such as but not limited to elderly people, children, and people with social and physical challenges without discrimination.

Fair & Equal Rights

  • All our people shall enjoy equal rights and opportunity regardless of sex, race, language and religion.

  • All our suppliers and contractors shall enjoy equal rights and opportunities based on merits.

Image by Sharon McCutcheon

Labour Practices & Policies

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Image by Helloquence

Social Contribution

  • Promote awareness of the Environment to the community

  • Participate to assist in changing quality of live in our community

  • Implement educational programs on health to the?

Farmers Havrvesting Organic Vegetables

© 2023 Adventa Berhad (200301016113 (618533-M)). All Rights Reserved.

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